this is why you should always pay for rental cars with a credit card(most will even allow you to put the charges at the close of the rental on your debit card)... I worked for a rental car company for almost 6yrs and I have heard even worse stories than that.... It is also alot easier to dispute charges with a card that doesn't tie up your actual available funds...

I know there are alot of people that try not to get/use credit cards, but this is a reason you should have one, for emergency and rental car purposes....

but yeah, you need to talk to the regional manager for that location and con him out of a free weekend rental or something and buy the full coverage ins. and rally the sh!t outta that car and take your aggresion out on them there..

Keith P. Killed in action-4/27/06 '99 CSVT #2369/2760-7/28/99 New Recruit- 1998 EO CSVT # soon to come Black 106,xxx