Originally posted by 99 red SVT:
Originally posted by LUCA:
Cooler w/ ice - Allen
Cooler w/ ice - Christine
Cooler w/ ice - Paul, Rich
Soda/water - m�¶bius (aka chknhwk )
Soda/water - Ryan
Soda/water - wa2tuff, Rich
Sides - wa2tuff
Sides - Paul
Snacks/desserts - Paul
Snacks/desserts -
Snacks/desserts -
Grill, propane - Brian (Checker'd SVT)
Plasticware, plates, napkins, trashbags - Allen/Christine
Pasta salad - Allen
Chips/salsa - Christine
Chips/dip- Rich
Condiments - Christine
Hotdogs - Mark (juspifool)
Hamburgers - Brian (Checker'd SVT)
Sausage- Rich
Cheese - Brian (Checker'd SVT)
Hotdog rolls - getsum111
Hamburger buns - getsum111
Chips/pretzels - Geoff (getsum111's brother)
Chips/pretzels - Pete
Onions - Pete

Donation/contribution container - Pete
$10 p/ person not contributing is fair to cover costs.

- Brapple
- MattR

Thank you everyone!!

Chris, if you want to bring a snack/dessert that would be fine.