I added a few things that may be needed. Plus, better to have more people bring in case they can't show for whatever reason.

Grill -
Charcoal -
Cooler w/ ice -
Cooler w/ ice -
Cooler w/ ice -
Soda/water -
Soda/water -
Soda/water -
Plasticware, plates, napkins, trashbags - Allen/Christine
Pasta salad - Allen
Chips/salsa - Christine
Condiments - Christine
Hamburgers -
Hotdogs -
Cheese -
Ketchup, mustard -
Hotdog rolls -
Hamburger buns -
Chips/pretzels -
Chips/pretzels - Pete
Onions - Pete
Snacks/desserts -
Snacks/desserts -
Snacks/desserts -
Donation/contribution container () - Pete

I collected $5 p/ person last year and it wasn't enough, so I think for those not bringing anything $10 p/ person is fair to cover costs.

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