Yeah, we're getting really excited about the wedding. The planning is coming along nicely, and things are going more or less very smoothly. I about choked at the cake store when they told me it was $7 per slice (not to mention the $1.50 "cake cutting fee" that the reception site charges to...cut the cake). Ashley's mom thought we should go with that extortion cake, but we settled on a much more reasonable - and very tasty - $2.50 per slice cake.

This wedding industry is really walking that line of criminal vs. cost/demand. Yikes!

Anyway, Scot, if you're both graduating, why wait? I agree. We essentially set the date so far in advance so I could graduate proir to getting married.

Derek Scion xB 5-spd Previous: 2000 Silver Frost SVT Please share the road with cyclists.