Originally posted by RawBurt:
Originally posted by RogerB:
Well, my weekends are too full to build my own.


Originally posted by RogerB:

Also, I understand your desire to conserve effort, but if given a choice between waiting a little longer, or paying more, I can be patient. Can't speak for others, though.

The extra charge will come out of my pocket, not anyone elses...

I guess I wasn't clear. What I mean is, thanks a helluva lot for doing this. You're apologizing for the lack of time you have, but at least you have the time, skill, and willingness to do it. It's not like I could just go out and rip one of these out, so I wouldn't be one to complain about how long it's taking you.

Also, when you mentioned changing your process to speed things up, I thought you might be hinting at a need to bump up the price for the (theoretical) next GB. If not, then even more good on ya.

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998