Originally posted by I-Dom-In-VIII.:
Originally posted by I-Dom-In-VIII:
Originally posted by I-Dom-In-VIII.:
Originally posted by pole120:
Originally posted by dukeofsho:
Originally posted by imurdaddytoo sport:
anyone know any good body shops that will fix it for cheap in the chicagoland area?

I would call that an oxymoron LOL. Good, cheap.

I'ld call it par for the coarse when he posts....

You talk just loke my wife Tina!!!!!

You talk just loke my wife Tina!!!!!

So Do I!!!!!!

So Do you

Team Evo Staz: You know why they call it Skunkworks? Everyone: Why? Staz: Because everything that comes out of it stinks!!! Steeda-I hate you stazi