Originally posted by tsSVT:
I think this is why SC has such a hard time getting a meet together.It's really hard to throw a meet together for people from several differant states in the matter of 2 or 3 weeks.No offense but with the price of gas I can't afford to burn up a whole tank of gas to go to a meet with one other person.We need to try and get 3,4,or 5 people to commit to a place and then figure out a schedule.I can deal with the heat,but I just don't want to be down there with a billion other people,I've done it before and don't want to do it again.Maybe a few of the DFW guys and some of the few OK guys can put in there ideas for how to make this work.

I had committed, Batmobile and you both appeared to commit. That's three right there. I figured with an additional 3 weeks, we could get a few more to sign on as well. It seemed that Turner Falls was a concensus among posters. With people coming from two states, it seems to be a fairly central location, not to mention it's scenic as hell for photo ops.

In my mind, the longer you wait for the meet, the more chances that people will pull out and cancel. That's why I suggested the end of May. Since school is an issue with some, then maybe the 1st weekend of June would be better. We're not trying for something huge here, so in my mind there's no need for a 2-3 month lead time on this. Three or four weeks should be sufficient to get a few people together for some good times with the cars. I'm willing to do the legwork, setting up times, dates, locations, and gathering info regarding the locations. I just want to know that I'm not wasting my time.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being unrealistic regarding the South Central in general. It just seems a shame we can't generate cameraderie and friendships that some of the Eastern groups have.

Feel free to give me any feedback you have. I'm not trying to be bossy, critical, or petulant. I just really want to jump-start the South Central and get a little enthusiasm and life back in the group.

BrApple-its all in the way it is presented...but everythign on my resume is all me TexasRealtor-I hope you spelling improves on your resume. MxRacer-ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ironyville. population, texasrelator.