Originally posted by CSVT1214:
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
LOL...so you thought poles mounts made your car a bad drive and you really had a bad wheel bearing!


the pole mounts was really rough on my car, it still shook on the highways regardless of the mounts..The mounts just made my car loud and very rough..

Pete, I told him 1000 times it was not the mounts. They just show the vibration more because they are stiff. If the car wasn't vibrating alot to begin with, the mounts would of been perfect. But hey, he don't listen to me.

I never said that mounts made my car shake on the highways, it just made everything rough inside my car say if I was sitting idle and what not..everything inside smade noises that i couldnt bare with..but i knew the mounts weren't causing the car to shake..
