Hello everyone just wandered on this site surfing the net .. I have a 98 Ford contour se just recently had a real bad accident 2 air bags went off I love this car like a family pet and desperately wanted to get this puppy back on the road damage was not too severe mostly cosmetic other than passenger strut, windshield, 2 headlights a grill and passenger fender this can all be replaced fairly cheaply the worst thing is the air bags but weve checked it out and we can put her on the road without them so thats fine by me. my issue is my steering wheel I cut out the airbag but what can I do about that gaping hole in the middle of the wheel I know I can replace the steering wheel with somethinhg different easily but I wanna keep my cruise control on my wheel I've tried pushing it closed thinking maybe it would snap closed magically ???, obviously not gonna happen ... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. she is a beautiful car and I want her to be perfect in and out !

Thanks Candace