Hello to all,

Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong spot, I'm new to this particular forum and this is my first post. I have been given what I consider to be a good opportunity.

A woman in my area has a '97 contour with a 4 cyl. and 105,000 miles on the clock. Unfortunately for her, she broke a belt, and ruined the head. She's offering the vehicle for $400 clean and clear. This vehicle is immaculate!

Total repair cost for the head, in my area exceeds $1500!(before labor/install costs) This to me is unacceptable. Thus, I have the following questions:

Which is the better option?

A-Buy a used head at a salvage yard and rebuild the original motor(yes I have rebuilt motors before).

B-Buy a brand new head, and use the motor as is.

C-Buy a brand new motor.

D-Pass entirely on the deal.

Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."-Voltaire "Baaa or Freedom!" - Ted Nugent "Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." - Ghandi