Originally posted by fx3:
Originally posted by elraido:
considering I can get the S3000 5W30 at $5.35 a quart, you prices are a liiiiiitle high.

Send some my way. Your either a dealer with "REAL" good pricing or your supplier gets phenominal pricing.

For those interested the S3000 retials for $9.30/qt(my cost is more than his $5.35 and I am making verry little profit off these prices hence why I need at least 10 sales) and elraido is the exception to the rules evidently.

i live only 60 miles from where the stuff is made, so we normally get a good price on it around here. L&M Fleet Supply is the place to be. LOL! I just threw that stuff in my g.f.s impreza about 5K miles ago and it has made a huge difference in the way the cars runs. Much Much smoother. Why, I don't know. Thinking about changing my car from Mobil one to this stuff though.

95 SE MTX svt exhaust intake deer killer