Originally posted by Rickson:
hmmm, what holds the bul in place, is it fixed by plastic or was it sodered in??

I have a soder gun, it kinda sucks thought. murrays is where i will go today.

tnaks a bunch.

Let me know of any tips i sould know before i start this project.

1.soder gun

Woah there killer! The bulb is screwed in via the back. See this pic - link - that big round hole in the back, the bulb should be screwed in there (via a black plastic piece - might need a coin to screw it out). It's held in by plastic tabs - a quarter turn one way (forget left or right) and it should pop out.

Replacement bulbs are cheapish from Ford - I think I paid $3 or $4 for mine - but they don't come with the green condom. Sounds like the previous owner just got a bulb and put it in. The condom works, um, like a condom - goes right over the bulb ... just take the bulb out, put the condom on it, and put it back in. (am I still talking about clocks here? lol)