Thanks for not breaking out the heavy artillary on me Pete and yes, caranuba, especially Souveran, will have an advantage for depth, no doubt about it. Maybe I should just stick with the Klasse SG to keep that part of it fair, but I'm sure theres going to be people ther who want to see what this Souveran can do, not everyday you get to see $70.00 wax in action

Now as far as the beading goes, well, Jim will keep us updated on that. I agree with you about the heat factor, especially on black, but your quality caranubas hold up very well as they're mixed with other items. I hope you don't think its unfair to use both SG AND Souveran, but I don't think either one of us is taking this too seriously, rather, like you said, a way to entertain and inform our community out there.

Someone mentioned something about comparing our "high end" products to the store bought Mequiars, well, thats up to Jim but we need to know for sure your going to represent that side, especially if you think the low grade stands a chance I've been there, done that and can honestly say this, Klasse will CRUSH Mequiars (still can't believe I say this now, but its the truth) So if want to step up, get ahold of Jim and lets see what he can come up with

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