Originally posted by shamun:
I noticed that the illegals are taking our jobs. And Caucasions really WANTED to dig those ditches, wash those dirty dishes, work at McDonalds.
Hello Corporate America,
ever notice that there are not that many hispanics in the cubicle next to you!?! Or many OTHER immigrants? Remarkably homogenous. It is a good thing that the Conservatives have given tax credits to companies that export white collar jobs. Thank G*D I'ma Country Boy!
You may now return to your programming (Faux, er...Fox News)
Please go salute the Flag.

Actually, if you take yourself out of major metropolian areas, such as DC you will see that the 'white guy' is out there digging ditches building houses, etc. In the metropolian areas illegals flock because the educated people (white, black, hispanics, indians, etc) are working the white collar jobs.

I'm so glad that the Left has brainwashed you and you, like many others, can not think for yourself...

In addition, your comment about saluting the flag, just goes to show the 'quality' of today's immigrant and where their loyalty stands......and I will salute the flag, as I have defended it for people such as yourself who really don't have a clue what they are talking about.

Ryan Trollin!