Originally posted by elraido:
Originally posted by lizard:
i dont kno about that. i think now my car could beat a stock svt and im willing to bet ill beat one on top speed

with out the higher compression pistons and cams, i doubt that.

My car is running almost every bolt on an SE automatic Contour should have- and what I mean by that is choosing mods that won't require a swap from auto to manual. "Sensible" mods I guess I should say.

The highest rating an SE has dynoed, that I've seen, was Josh's SE last year, @ 165wp right? I know Russel3L had an auto before his swap, but that's besides the point Anyways, even with headers my car probably won't break 150whp. The auto transmission sucks up that much potential. I would never hold up against a stock SVT. Maybe off the line