Originally posted by Tourige:
Originally posted by Decepticon:
Originally posted by Tourige:
Originally posted by elraido:
Originally posted by Stazi:
LMAO @ this thread.

Thanks Titus for the kind words. If you want MIL's let me know (PM) I'll make you a set.

I have more Gutted Precats if you want them people.

Now to clear up some things:

I was once so hungy I could eat the crotch of a low flying duck/Afghan's undies.

Judge is a flaming homo - my ZX-9R is far from a couch. He's just jealous cos his bike has a seat with less padding than a bread-board! And he's so jealous of me that he painted his Yamaha, Kawasaki Green!

Originally posted by Evil Republican:
And he loves yellow tail.


Todd escaped the wrath of the Australian Purple Mushroom and the Elky Teabag last year at SZ, but he has felt the wrath of my post-beer-binge farts, many, MANY, times!

I like to headbutt idiots when I get drunk.

I have the perfect freind for you to hang around when you are drunk then. Guy likes to jump out of second story windowns into trees. Well, if you consider trees that are only have three inch wide trunks trees. He would then call you thoughguy and see how many headbutt either of you could take....the man feels no pain.

around here we call people like that stupid.. not tough

But your canadian soo its doesn't count.... Even your so called smart citizens ride the short bus!

theres a long bus?

Not quite sure, hmmm