Originally posted by Chrisf695:
just to clear this, i'm not a drunk, i blew a .09, and legal is .08, so i wasnt drunk, and i know not to drink and drive considering i am a Detroit Firefighter.

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees how stupid and hypocritical this statement is.

You WERE in fact drunk! Even if we take the .09 as a fact (you probably down played it and the real number is higher), according to the law your WERE drunk, and you WERE driving.

Stop trying to weasel out of it, accept the punishment for what you did, and take it like a man. Does the city of Detroit have any rules/ laws for their Firefighters? Are you going to lose your job over this? Maybe you deserve it.

Illegal stop, my a$$ !!! I hope the book that the courts rightfully throw at you hits you in your dumb A@@ and hard! Knock you off your high horse.

"so i wasnt drunk" ... "i blew a .09, and legal is .08" Nice try at justifying your poor decision. *** Can you honestly tell us that you don't see a problem here? *** Can you really not see that you are contradicting yourself?

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