I'll chime in here.

I am driving a 3L Turbo, with a draw thru setup (said car, above)

The throttle response is nearly INSTANT. as good or better than the stock SVT I sold the same day I bought this one.

Acceleration, transistion, tip-in... its all fluid and without hesitation. You just have to know what you are doing.

My mother makes all of her turkey sandwiches (the day after thanksgiving) by carving the turkey using a straight-edged blade. Why, do you ask? Well.. she started using a serated blade (the preferred method , providing accurate repeatable results) because when she FIRST started carving it, she had never carved a piece of meat in her life and manhandled the thing until it was mashed and she was frustrated. she dropped the blade, grabbed a straight-blade and then tried again using my father to help her (He showed her the proper technique) and using that technique she was able to CARVE A TURKEY WITH A STRAIGHT BLADE.

Does this mean that the straight blade knife is a better solution to carving a turkey than a PROVEN method like the serated blade? Just because she got "nice" results with it? No.. It means that she got fed up with the other method and tryed something NOT normally used and was able to get it to work, because of superior TECHNIQUE.

What I am saying is this: The MAF.ia may work WONDERS.. you may be able to get the car PERFECT WITH IT. it may drive like a dream.. but you're still making the car with a straight-edge blade... just because YOU can get it to work doesn't speak ANYTHING for the apparatus.. it speaks well for YOUR ability to program, or get it to work. You must be VERY familiar with it and the car to do so. It still doesn't change that the other method ISN'T BAD. You just decided to learn on something else and now won't take any other opinions as to it being a less than perfect approach, simply because YOU have good luck with it.

Sorry for the ramble and stupid example.. its early

'99 CSVT - Silver #222/276 In a constant state of blow-off euphoria.
Originally posted by Kremitthefrog:
I like to wear dresses and use binoculars to watch grandmas across the street.