You keep bringing up my hack tuning and my hack blowthrough you keep avoiding the questions about the comments YOU are making and wont answer them

Then you say "maf scaling devices, and extra high fuel pressure" Who said anything about doing things this way , I sure dont tune that way, You dont have a clue as of yet what your talking about with the MAF.ia so how can you give an informed decision, You keep compairing it to an AFC controler and you couldnt be further from the truith but you have avoided all my questions so far so i dont see you addressing any of these

You like to call names "Mr.Blowthrough hack tuner" when you dont understand things just lake in the past your as pigheaded as you ever were so dont go calling the kettle black

Please address why you think im a hack tuner and what you dont like about a blowthrough other than you must not be able to get one to work
