Originally posted by SVTDave:
Originally posted by Ray:
Why "start fresh" with an engine with almost 100K on it already? I know, I know.. you would "rebuild" it, but you're still using a 100K mile engine that's been rebuilt.

Why not pay $100-$250 more and get an 01+ with 15K or 10K(or hell even LESS if you search around) miles?

Well, that's why I was asking you guys' advice!

Now I know to get an '01+ engine...see, isn't that how this forum stuff is supposed to work?

Thanks for the response. As you can probably tell, I'm still in the "gathering info" stage. My car is in great running condition as of right now...I'm just wanting an engine I can take my time to rebuild and make right without taking my driveable car off the road.

Yes, but that information has been passed numerous times nad is also in the stickies.

Ryan Trollin!