loggerbomb: look into credit unions. You'll find one that offers no fee banking or very low fee banking. Also any profits is distributed to your local community so you help out there.

Originally posted by SVTNupe:
The problem isn�t so much of how expensive gas is today versus 40 years ago. It�s the rate at which the price of gasoline increases. The price per gallon changed just here in North Texas in a week or so time by almost 50 cents. So I just went from paying about $30 per fill up to about $37 per fill up in the Contour. That�s a significant increase and I may have to fill up 2-3 times per week. It�s the volatility of the market that drives me crazy. Especially when you�re constantly checking the news for good reasons why gas has gone up. During this latest price jump, I kept hearing that gasoline reserves had gone up over the last seven or so weeks and is at a two year high yet the price at the pump started rising. They even had stated that demand was lower than expected but the price per gallon of gas just kept creeping up.

Obviously the cost of oil affects the cost of just about everything in this society and probably one of the main reasons why oil companies get scrutinized. It not just increases at the pump but increases in the purchase goods and services. Now all of sudden the little MARGIN of reserve I had for savings and other expenditures just got PUMPED right out of my pocket. Especially when gas jumps 27% in a week. We all can probably expect $3 fuel by the summer. When I started driving almost 17 years ago, that jump in prices for the summer driving season may have been 10 to 15 cents not a dollar!!!

Im sorry to say, but if the rise in gas prices uses up all your disposable income left then you're living beyond your means.