Originally posted by mean'tour:
Originally posted by RTStabler51:
We still are way better off than Europe with our gas prices, but something has got to change. Either us and our wants and needs (which I highly doubt) or the oil companies seeing what they are doing to the less wealthy Americans.

Which I highly doubt.

I'm no better, but things aren't going to change until Americans start doing things differently. Gas prices are higher in Europe but their whole society is set up differently so that the fact that gas prices are higher probably doesn't really effect too many. They aren't so reliant on single passenger cars. They actually use public transportation, there is public transportation available to use (not an option for me), they commute via bicycle, they aren't so spread out.

But like I said, I'm no better. I don't know what the answer is. Oil is a finite resource, and as the demand grows (which it probably always will) and the resource gets depleted, supply/ demand will force the price up.

its too bad that north american population centres werent as densely packed as european ones, would make public transport a lot more viable on a wider scale. But im stuck out in a rural area, so unfortunately for me im stuck having to commute.

95 Merc Stique Zetec 2.0 Auto