Originally posted by sigma:
1> Crude Oil prices went up 5% last week. A 15-cent hike over a 2-week period is roughly the same ~5% increase. You can expect the price to go even higher as the week goes on.

2> Oil companies profits are high, their margins are not. There's a difference. Learn it.

3> The price gains over the past few months are actually more because of refiners wanting to get their piece of the pie than Big Oil. Most oil is refined not by Big Oil but by other companies like Valero. These companies are bumping up their margins to more appropriate levels.

So, when the price per barrel dropped for a few weeks solid a month or so ago, why didn't gas prices drop accordingly?

I understand that oil companies invest quite a bit into finding oil, etc, but when you have the profits they have, and really don't care about the average joe, there is an inheritant problem. Granted, we still are way better off than Europe with our gas prices, but something has got to change. Either us and our wants and needs, which I highly doubt, or the oil companies seeing what they are doing to the less wealthier Americans.

Ryan Trollin!