Originally posted by Tong Po:
Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by Pre98:
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:

Is it sad though that I've been totally craving Steak and Shake lately?

Another shiitting good reason to go to Spring Zing

Their food=

Just thought I'd let you know, that this thread set me over the top. Just ran down to Meijer to pickup some car junk, and stopped at Steak n' Shake on the way home. Frisco melt, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!


just had some steak-n-shake last night myself. i have 3 of them within 5 miles of me


you suck too!

NY State Trooper: So what makes your car so special to have SVT all over it? Me: Er...It was made by Fords SPECIAL Vehicle Team?