Originally posted by Mr. Miyagiââ??¢:
Originally posted by Titusfighter:
Well if you wanted to get physical , thats fine, just another notch in my belt. However I dont think it would change the fact that you will prolly still have an attitude problem. Enclosed is a pic of myself at UCC 3 I'm on the right.

And heres a pic u should keep, so your momma will know who broke you. At 6.2 223lbs with a consistent KO record in Both OKBF and UCC , I'll understand if you want to retract your comment. However you will have to strike me first, I dont hit first. Otherwise, just drop the tufguy talk. I asked a mod question, I didnt ask for a hassle.

I love internet hardasses...

You know, he never brought up fighting, you guys did!

He asked a question that was easy to find yes, but the general policy is ANYBODY can ask any question they WANT to!!

If it is common or annoying, just don't answer the friggin question and let someone else anwer it. You know how many good posts were started with Noob question where people didn't bash?? A LOT. Why do we go through this constant Newbie bashing over and over again??? It makes no sense because many of these new people go on to being productive members of CEG. They get knowledgeable from questions, and yes sometimes from searching.
Other newbs attempt to help out by answering the question. Sometimes it is right and then the thread goes away. MANY Times the advice is wrong and an experienced member has to step in to save the day. That is when things get interesting. So leave off the friggin bashing.

Just to summarize for you:
All Steeda had to do is tell him to search and he would have been fine, well withing his rights. He instead answered with a joke that didn't sit well because Titus thought it was the truth.
So who caused what?
Then the rest of you got yourselves in the middle of it .... people need to stay out of the middle.
It should have been between those two.

As it stands, I hope the moderator gets in here and puts a stop to this crap.
Now lets all play nice!

Funny that the words fight come out of the post and he is a fighter....I laughed at that one.

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