I have my Brown under Claude Bordeau, but it isnt a Gracie school. It is listed as a Sport juijutsu school which suits me fine as I prefer to mix it up . He has been my sensei since I was 8 starting in Judo and then adding Muay Thai with Thac Tran(motivated me more than anyone). Claude is great as he geared the classes for the fighter I would be facing for upcoming fights. I prefer Shootfighting as I am able to kick more, which I am known for(pain is tatooed on my right foot) (first u see it then u feel it LOL).

In 2002 we went to Sanfran after the soboba deal and trained at Ralphs school(half loaded from the drive thereLOL) and roled with a BJJ purple there and we musta be going a good 20 mins trying to tap each other out. We were both so exhausted(we were similar weight and size) that we both called it quits. Had a blast and then watched the Mayweather fight(courtesy of IFC's Paul Smith).