we went to starbucks last night and got on that subject. She made mention that if I wanted a happy woman I'd be seeing the parents. I starting huffing and puffing making a big deal about it but it doesn't bother me that much. Thing is, she had already talked to her mom and let her know that we were going to all do something together. She even went as far as to tell her my theory on dinner with the parents. She'd told me that her dad could pay for dinner when we go out and I told her no, that ain't gonna happen. She asked why? I said that if the father has to pay then he will assume that I can't support her and that I'm an ass. If I insist on paying, I'm an ass still and his money isn't good enough.

I want a SZ RALLY CROSS!!!

Former - 98 CSVT E0 T-Red 4/4/97 #173 of 6535 Dear Santa