I doubt you'll see ME , personally) going much bigger (if at all) with an amp/subs . I'm just not that into it . I just want to do a bit of "filling in" down low , not thump the block . If anything , I can see me probably ending up with a single sub (maybe even 10") , as two 12's in a box REALLY eats up trunk space . We don't really use the car much , and most of it's mileage is on trips w/stuff in the trunk , so hogging up the trunk w/a giant sub box may not fly for long . And taking the box out of the trunk for trips kinda defeats the purpose of doing the subs/amp , as that's the main time we use the car (and want to hear good sound) . This whole setup is just to hold me over till the next ride shines it's face on me .

Care to explain "headroom" to a newbie ?? Would that be something to the effect that it doesn't hurt to have "too much" power running back to the amp - for when it needs it ? Just a guess . Isn't that what a cap. is for (in essence) ? Am I close ?

I just want to run the "correct" wiring for the setup (if that makes any sense ?) . The cost difference is really negligable between 4 & 8 gauge .

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !