Originally posted by Bk4293L:
Originally posted by LocoGSR:
Originally posted by blu_fuz:
the national meet was the first meet i went to - a lot of CEGers were fighting then so pretty much Hetfield and I went to chi town to meet up with them and Ben showed up from Ohio? to grace us with his presence..... about 8 people were there! lol it was pretty sad.... We went to the drag strip - car wash - out to eat - krispy kreme - we all went to the Tweeter car show and won a group award i think.... Hector won best engine( ) and some other guy with a really crappy paint job won best paint( ) in our group even though mine was 10x better.....

My engine was the best......color coordinated and VERY clean!

Didnt I win best paint?????


at first you did! i almost forgot about that! you shoulda won over him.... lol

EGPLNT:MY 95' SE MTX SVT *200,000 MILE CLUB* 6/06/06 - 201,000 MILES