So you think saying "what part of ????" is answering the question ??????

THat is fine I do not expect anyone to defend the regulars on here . I have been in the Grand Prix scene for the past 4 years and decided to buy a Contour SVT because I liked the car . After the purchase I spoke to a fellow member (burritasvt)who is MORE than generous with his information TY !!! . So I decided to do a 3.0 swap. The whole reason for a forum is to get answers to questions most people do not know , or discuss other importantr issues regarding the 3.0 swap .

I PROMISE you if you go to and ask a question that has benn asked 4,000,000 times over someone will answer the question happily without the smartass remarks ! the fact that you want to deny that he was being legit in answering a question that I clearly thought was pretty serious , just goes to show exactly what iam talking about ! That this place SUCKS ASS !

You and your search nazis can suck a dick ! ~!!@!!!!!

IF any of you find this offensive , GOOOD ! Let me know , and I will be MORe than willing to talk to YOU in person .