Well if one THINKS that he/she needs one , and someone says you dont that ='s confusion !!! Is that so hard to understand !?!?!?

This place is the MOST helpless forum on the internet ! I have said this before and I will say it again . I belong to several forums, problably over 10 and never had to think about the penalty/lashing for posting a question . Here is the census on MOST forums as how to treat rookie/veteran members ...

When you�re on the Titanic, help the people to the lifeboats...do NOT yell at the iceberg. It won�t do you one ounce of good.

That�s the philosophy we take . If a member has a question to ask, the majority of Newbies will ask the question to receive a response directed at them individually. How many times the question has been asked and answered by other members almost seems irrelevant since the answer is not directed specifically at them.

It is soooooooo easy to yell at that iceberg and tell people to read, read, read, but if you think about it, we could probably respond to almost every question asked in such a manner.

Not here.

Since this site is dedicated to the Newbies out there, we believe in helping people to the lifeboats.

Don�t bother telling me how much people should read and do their homework before posting or asking a simple question...I would agree with you. And don�t tell me that Newbies posting the same questions over and over again fills the forum up with garbage posts...I would agree with you.

Once we come to grips on the reality that the Newbies will post the same questions regardless of how many times the answer has been posted in the past, regardless of what we say or think on the issue, and regardless of what the forum rules state...we�re confronted with three simple choices when we see an obvious newbie question:

1) Help the person out by answering their question.
2) Ignore his or her post because you have better things to do than provide the same response repeatedly.
3) Tell the person off or get pissy with them.

On this site, 1 and 2 above are acceptable...number 3 is not.

Think about when you were in school. Asking questions is part of the learning process. You asked questions, even though the matterial was discussed in class...and even when the answer was located in your text book.

If you're fed up or don�t want to answer a question, I suggest doing number 2 above. Doing #3 above will get you a nasty PM from the Mods. We treat everybody with respect here...even the Newbies.

some people around here should adopt #2 ! Oviously the others that are helpfull this is no way directed towards you , and for the others ... ahh screw it, you just won't get it anyways !

FLAME AWAY !!! That should be something you shouldnt have to "search" for .