Yeah, some quick mods are in order for some easy gains. Altho the intake in particluar (i don't know about the exhaust) is rather free flowing and wide. I think I'll start with a K&N.

Edmunds says it's 2464 Lbs. Yeah, no slim-fast-mobile, but the weight doesn't hinder the engine.

It's got a CV axle needed first. Do you know how they differenciate left and right? Like when you order a "right" CV does that mean from the driver or bumper perspective?

And it'll be hard to part with my wheels. I know I can't use them, but... oh well. Anyone can give me a offer, I might let 'em go!

Last edited by Cris'pus; 03/11/06 12:38 AM.

1992 Ford Escort LX-E -Tracer LTS spoiler -GT Grille