Let's not go 1/2 cocked to the other extreme now...

Bobby Jewett was beaten to death in 1990 by two police officers on power trips here in West Palm Beach. He was jay walking across the street in front of the Palm Beach Post newspaper offices one night. IMHO, those officers murdered that guy. Jewett was all of 150 pounds, the officers were muscular & weighed in at about 210 each or better. They could easily have subdued the guy without beating him to death. Jewett sustained injuries from a crushed throat to severely ruptured testicles.

Officers like those are an extreme minority in the law inforcement community, but you do come across one from time to time.

Date: December 19, 1992 Publication: The Palm Beach Post Page Number: 1B Word Count: 532

A state law enforcement panel has ruled that Glen Thurlow and Stephen Lee Rollins used excessive force in their struggle with Bobby Jewett two years ago, the first time the allegation has been officially substantiated.

The finding by three members of the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission could increase the chance the two men will lose their licenses to work as police officers in Florida."

Basic lesson. Don't mouth off to the police. They might be one of the few.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.