I agree w/ Moose 110%! My dad was an AL State Trooper for almost 30 years....LOVED his job...had NOTHING to do w/ power....he enjoyed getting into his patrol car everyday, cruising the streets, helping make it safer, getting the job done. He was involved in some high speed chases, helped stop someone running (by using his car), put his life on the line everyday (as does Moose and all the other officers!). It takes a special person to make a good officer...not just anyone can do it. Yes, some join up for the "power" of it. Yes there are crooked "cops". But keep in mind there are just as many good officers out there looking out for you and your family! I come from a family of law enforcement and firefighters...I've grown up around them...some are bad, some are good, a lot are awesome at their jobs and won't hesitate to let you know this!

For those of you who have had bad experiences w/ being pulled over, given tickets where it may not have been due, etc....sorry it happened, but it happens to everyone...mistakes are made, some officers do abuse their powers, but most do not. You live and you learn. Chalk it up to a life experience.

No need to get angry or defensive. Everyone has their opinions....I happen to agree w/ Moose and disagree w/ a lot of other comments made here...but thats just from my personal experience and upbringing....not everyone can be so lucky to grow up around some of the most awesome officers in AL.

01 Cougar Sport - Dark Shadow Gray "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." LB&RB