You'll need a 13 MM wrench, deep well sockets, LOTS of PB Blaster (or equivalent) for the Y pipe bolts. You'll need the 13 MM wrench for the bolt between the engine and the subfame by the dampener. I actually didn't pull the Y pipe, I unbolted the Y from the precats and supported it at about a 15 to 20 degree angle. You can't just let it hang or you will risk breaking the flex tube (if you have one). Whole process took me a day, but I took my good sweet time and cleaned the pan, and really enjoyed working on the car. I'm one of those sicko's that does car repair as a hobby anyway. If I would have been trying just to get it done, it probably would have taken me about 2 ~ 3 hours. I can not stress enough that you HAVE to get the old gasket material off of the pan and the engine block. I have seen lots of folks not do that and then the new seal leaks right away.... Carb cleaner and a rag works wonders on old gaskets.

BTW, it looks like the oil was getting up on the O2 sensors. Once I cleaned the O2 sensors by wiping them down with simple green and fixed the leak, walla, no more codes.