Just tell them they're welcome to show off their rides with us . We're all about Contour-love , with or without parkbenches on the trunk . Heck , they could be bone stock & we'd still welcome them with open arms . Just remember to have them put "Contour Enthusiasts Group" as their club name when they register - VERY important !! They can add their club name to their window card at the event once they're parked on the field .
Closer to the event time , we'll be getting a food list together for our cookout . They're welcome to bring food/drinks & join us in the foodfest (I guess everyone's OK with that - have been in the past) . Bring food to share , share in the feast .

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !