I installed my new speakers this past weekend . Not too much of a PITA to do the job , just had to be gentile not to wreck my panels & stuff . I felt better doing the swap myself , rather than letting some half-wit wreck my car & not tell me he did it . If a clip or something got wrecked , I'd rather do it myself . Heck , I even found some evidence of a "heavy-handed" dealership tech. while I was in there .

At any rate ... not that I thought the stock speakers sounded that bad , but these definately sound better . I haven't really wailed on 'em yet , but I have more confidence that when I do , they'll not blow up ! Now on to bigger & better stuff !!

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !