Originally posted by hmouta:
hopefully i'm getting this right and not sounding like a broken record.

this will use the csvt calipers and pads front and rear? csvt front rotor goes to the back and fsvt front rotor goes to csvt front. ss lines recommended.

so whats the benefit of going with the fsvt front kit? does the fsvt use larger calipers with better pistons and larger pads to sweep the 300mm rotors better? will the csvt pads be big enough to sweep the larger rotors (front and rear). so once the kit is completely installed and worn out, then we'll go shopping for csvt front/rear pads as we would now and csvt front rotors for the back and fsvt front rotors for the csvt front. i think this is right, right?

For a CSVT: Purchase FSVT front rotors and custom brackets. FSVT
- Install FSVT front rotor with stock CSVT calipers using custom bracket.
- Install CSVT front rotor on rear with stock rear CSVT calipers using custom bracket.
- FSVT front caliper is the same as CSVT front caliper. The benefit of going with the larger rotor: increase in diameter will increase the braking torque (even with the stock calipers), larger surface area will help cooling and decrease fade.
- SS Lines are recommended.

1998 SVT Contour E1, Black (Mine) - Winter 3.0 Project 2004 Sentra SE-R SpecV (Wifes) www.SuperHawkForum.com