sorry I couldn't make it to the meet. I really wanted to go, I even called up a budy of mine and got him to go, he just got an SE.
trust me I would have rather not been a oin cushin at the hospital and been out there checkin out the cars... but oh well, what can you do.
You guys wanna have the meet sooner??? I will be having stomach surgery sometime between middle to late march and will be out for 3-4 months...
P.S. lupe did I get the right number when I called? I wasn't sure if you changed it or anything since the last time I talked to you

Built April 18th 1998 #5770 of 6535 Reborn: July 11, 2004 3L and gone again 12/13/2005 new ride: 98 Silver frost SVT with all my old goodies!!!!