Well son of a biscuit, I have one of those older HDTV's that I bought before really thinking that HDMI was going to be the next big connection thing, I guess I thought that component connections would be good enough. Oh well, I've had my Samsung for about 3 years now and do really like it, the picture quality for DVD and Satellite (not HDTV, im waiting for the price of the HDTIVO to go down) was still worth getting it, I was choosing between buyng a nice 36" analog TV vs a 32" HD and decided that the smaller size was worth the extra picture quality, especially given my living arrangements at the time and even now with my house, so I guess I didn't get too screwed over. I just need to be a little more careful next time.

'03 Protege 5 MTX '02 Mazda Protege LX MTX former owner of: 96 Contour GL 2.5 ATX