although it doesnt seem like it, youre arguing with one of THE most helpful and knowledgeable guys in this forum. if anyone would be willing to help a new contour owner with a seriously complex contour project, it would be stazi.
he's a little abrasive to newbs and should be more like that cute little Geico gecko. "cheers. howz ya mum?"

and i agree, headlight covers are ghey, imo. but if that's what you like, cool. but im also in the minority in thinking that spraying/covering your taillights is ghey too, but hey, whatever

word to the wise, there arent a "whole lot" of turbo contour gurus around so start making some friends, not static.

ps there was just an adc turbo kit on ebay, dont know if it sold or not. i think it was a CEGers.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.