tour, on the safety and security issues i refer you to my earlier post:

Originally posted by JB1:
-maybe the uae has changed its tune and now is on our side. then again maybe not. we have over a century of proof showing we can trust the brits not to try and kill/harm us. we do not have this with the uae. trust is earned, not given.

-hamas(a terrorist organization) legally took control of palistine. the naawp is a peaceful political offshoot of the kkk. both are prime examples of a wolf in sheep's clothing if there ever was one, which brings us to something an uncle of mine told me.

Last edited by JB1; 02/27/06 05:08 AM.

00 black/tan svt, #2052 of 2150, born 2/1/00 formerly known as my csvt "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King, Jr.