Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by ODC:
They're financing sucide bombers for goodness sake.

Yeah, you're going to have to provide citations on that one.



I realize the last link is from a biased source, but "This committee was established in the fall of 2000 under the Saudi Minister of the Interior, Prince Nayef bin 'Abd al-Aziz. Prince Nayef's organization was also responsible for collecting Saudi contributions during the April 11 telethon for Palestinian "martyrs" on Saudi state television." is as pretty plain as day as it could get.

The Arabs have gold plated jets, platinum toilets, chromed benzes, etc. You really think they're going to be so stringent on what they spend their money on ?

What happened to that rhetoric of with us or against us ? Is that now thrown out the window when a few cents is tossed your way ? Disgusting. I've supported the Bush administration entirely except for one issue prior, now I find this completely disgusting on their behalf to forsake the security of their country in exchange for some kickbacks.