Originally posted by ODC:
Haha, this is great.

Americans pay $$$$ -> UAE for gas.

This money allows the UAE to have control over company that will take over US commerce ports.

UAE has terrorist, zealous islamic links.

UAE uses money from Americans to purchase ports.

UAE is now privvy to classified port security.

If this ever goes through, expect a nuclear detonation in one of the port cities by 2010.

How stupid is Bush saying he will veto any attempts to block it. The conflict of interest implications are so staggering its mind boggling to see why any government would allow this; especially the US when the country is on terror alert.

I guess I don't grasp this whole 'security' concern. Port security has sucked ass for a very long time, and will continue to suck ass for a very long time. Hell, security in general in this country sucks. Why? Because the American citizen does not want to be inconvienced by security, or they cry 'my civil liberties are being taken away.' If a terrorist wants to get something in this country to harm us, they are going to. Period. ESPECIALLY through the ports. 4-6 of every 100 containers is actually inspected, and most likely that will be the future trend as well. This UAE company has something like 55 ports it operates THROUGH OUT THE WORLD. Its not like all of a sudden all the American workers in these ports are going to be fired and all of a sudden your going to have a bunch of Osama Bin Ladens running around screaming jihad at the top of their longs.

Ryan Trollin!