Originally posted by SVTNupe:
Originally posted by RT and his SE:
Originally posted by RTStabler51:

I find it funny though, that RT, being a liberial, doesn't like Arabs now all of a sudden. I thought they were all for the minoritys?

Sorry I can't fit into that pigeon hole for you. Stated in my previous post my problem with this is having these points of entry into the US run by any foreign governments. Mmmm, nothing about Arabs there.
If the UAE chose to they could affect the US economy by manipulating the flow of goods through these ports. No foreign government should be able to wield that kind of power on our soil. Why do we monitor foreign investment? To prevent that sort of thing from happening. The stock market is for another thread.

And how could they affect the flow of goods in to OUR ports?

When you control the points of departure and entry it's easy. Do you take orders form your boss? Let's say your boss says instead of unloading 40 containers an hour(which is a good clip) do 20. Now instead of four days to unload a ship it takes 8 maybe 10 days. Multiply that times I don't know how many ships a day and you've got a huge backlog of businesses not getting what they need to operate. Whole ships can be put in quarantine so they can't be unloaded at all. Equipment mysteriously breaks down slowing the load/unload process. Like I said before to many eggs in one basket for my liking.
Paranoid? Maybe, but I'd rather error on the side of caution.

Jeb? You're kidding with the oil embargo thing right?

99 Contour Sport SE MTX KKM filter, B&M shifter No res, BAT kit Green car silver hood (because silver is faster)