Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
its quite interesting cause you have Bush making it seem as many Arabs were the enemy and now he's all like oh no no they are our friends and allies....But then again I dont see what the problem is if a foreign country like the U.K. owned our ports before and now a country that happened to be a VERY VERY rich Arab country owning it. The security is still gonna be the same as it was before, only that the Dubai country owns the company..I find this to be good..build bridges that were burned before..and Dubai's Airline "Emirates" has soooooooo much invested in Boeing that them not getting this deal because they are feared a terrorist nation would bring Boeing and other major companies down hard..actually doesnt Saudi and other rich arab countries have ALOT invested in the US? I find this to be good..UAE is a calm rich (very rich) arab nation..I like this deal..

at the same time though, somthing deep inside of me tells me that Bush and his friends are benefiting somthing outa this deal..its just a personal gut feeling i have ..this deal was too good to be true

Bush has never made it a racial thing. I don't know where you are getting that from. However, it does just so happen that the majority of the ones that want us dead are Muslim Arabs. :shrug:

I find it funny though, that RT, being a liberial, doesn't like Arabs now all of a sudden. I thought they were all for the minoritys?

Ryan Trollin!