-the dubai company will not own the ports. at best you could call it renting space and they will not be in charge of security despite what is being reported in the news. we would still handle that.

-without doing the math myself to confirm i will just trust the economists and say that we are getting a very good deal from a purely monetary point of view.

-it would be extremely bad business to buy our ports just to blow them up.

-maybe the uae has changed its tune and now is on our side. then again maybe not. we have over a century of proof showing we can trust the brits not to try and kill/harm us. we do not have this with the uae. trust is earned, not given.

-hamas(a terrorist organization) legally took control of palistine. the naawp is a peaceful political offshoot of the kkk. both are prime examples of a wolf in sheep's clothing if there ever was one, which brings us to something an uncle of mine told me.

-one of my uncles was a marine who served two tours of duty in vietnam after which he spent a lifetime as a liar, a cheat and a thief involved with people who are, shall we say, unsavory at best. basically, he has spent his entire adult life protecting himself from people who would rather see him dead and as a result has a strict set of rules by which he lives. two of them directly apply here, they are edited for language:

if someone comes up to you acting like your best friend when he isn't, hang on to your "tool" and hang on to your wallet cause he is after something.


trust noone completely and most people not at all. not your momma, your daddy, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, your children, your best friend, not even the men you commit crimes with. trust noone totally.

i certainlly hope the uae is now our friend and i am certainly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt considering their checkered past with us but i would prefer to start off with something small.

00 black/tan svt, #2052 of 2150, born 2/1/00 formerly known as my csvt "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King, Jr.