Aight guys, no need to get angry. Todras, thank you for your insight.....i thought the drive swap was going to be simple......again, all i thought it was was a easy "ring gear" swap. obviously i was wrong. and i have to pay for it.

i have done a lot of research. and something got over-looked. sh!t happens i guess.

my first mistake was not knowing a lot about transmissions and how they work. the 2nd was not using what commom sense i had left and knowing that changing the ring gear would indeed entitle the changing of the pinion gear my mistake.

ive been apart of CEG and NECO long enough not to get upset when people make harsh remarks at stuff that i say. i see it so often and i even take apart in harsh remarks, so ones given at my qestions/comments are taken lightly. I will listen to any and all constructive criticisms, no matter how harsh they might sound.

but back on top, the pinion gear has no visible damage.

does anybody know who happens to have a spare i can take off their hands? my 3rd mistake was trashing m orig. 4.06

Cougar is no more, parts for sale. Built escape 3.0 w/ 8.5:1 pistons, PnP heads, ovalport/mazda6 cams, SVT manifolds, the works entire car for sale PM me if you want a part!!!