Originally posted by zenboy:
Originally posted by livinsvt:
That was I. Was looking forward for my chance to repeat last year, but never happened. Definitly a blast in 04! I take it there is no kart2kart type place nearby FT. Wayne?

Who's to say you'll repeat? Being the selfless soul that I am, I shall nobly do my best to remove the burden of victory from your shoulders.

It would be nice if we could get a bunch of carts that were guaranteed to be identical, so we can all do a true driver-to-driver comparison, without anyone's cart being faster than another's. I always enjoyed that about the IROC races.

You maybe a selfless soul, but I am a cocky a-hole, and I say equal karts there is no comparison . I beleive were probaly about the same weight as well, lol. Did I mention my qualifying kart was my slowest one of the day, I think I had the pole by a second or so.... . Though I will admit I have had my arse handed to me at that track by someone a bit heavier than I

Go karts would be fun, but if there are none like K2K then its pretty much a free for all, and I'm cool with that too

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