Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by Roz 1999 SVT-C:

with no ill effects that i can tell...Redline still gets my approval till science tells me other wise.


....now what's with the 'science' comment?,lab tests have been posted way back between this and 'honey' and as far as I'm aware Redline have not run the product throu the test rig used for spec WSD-M2C200-C....so it's the redline that has no science or testing to back it up!.....


As much as I respect Terry, I think he is a little out on a limb here. His results may have used science, but it didn't follow any scientific process. His test of comparing the lab analysis of virgin Ford Honey to virgin RedLine MTL and showing that the two products are different didn't resolve anything. An analysis of fluid from one of the transmissions that had evidence of fluid failure would have been MUCH more meaningful.

As for RedLine MTL, it should have worked but didn't. I certaily won't be using it until RedLine does something to redeem itself. Since I don't expect that to happen, I guess that means no MTL for me.

But I'll climb off this soap box. Fight it out among yourselves.

Jim Johnson 98 SVT 03 Escape Limited